Transforma tus cócteles en superalimentos: Entrevista a la coach de nutrición Jules Aron

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Las fiestas se acercan, queremos celebrar y disfrutar, pero eso no significa que dejemos de nutrir nuestro cuerpo. Por eso tuve esta ligera y divertida conversación con Jules Aron, coach de nutrición y salud, maestra de yoga, practicante de la medicina china y autora de cuatro best sellers, que aplican estos conocimientos a la cocina y la barra con mucho sabor y superfoods que nos llenan de energía. Su lema es “come bien, bebe bien, vive bien” y puedes conocer más de cómo lo aplica visitando su página web Acá conversamos de cómo aplicar esos principios a lo que cocinamos día a día, y también nos recomendó unos cócteles ideales para disfrutar durante las fiestas. Scroll down to read the original version in english.



¿Cuál es tu filosofía al crear una receta?


Cocino y desarrollo recetas con el bienestar holístico en mente. Quiero que el comensal se sienta bien mientras come, pero también después de hacerlo. Al elegir alimentos nutritivos y basados en plantas, puedo estar segura de que mis invitados dejarán la mesa con su espíritu y energía elevados.


Eres la autora de cuatro best sellers. ¿Puedes contarnos sobre tus libros?, ¿en qué te inspiraste y qué lecciones podemos aprender de ellos?


Tengo una variedad de libros de cocina enfocados en wellness o bienestar. El primero de ellos, “Zen and Tonic”, te enseña cómo hacer nutritivas tus bebidas con frutas, superfoods, botánicos y solo usando endulzantes naturales para crear cocktails que te desintoxican. La colección “Pretty Zen” es un set de dos libros que celebran la belleza natural de adentro hacia afuera. Su primera parte “Nourish and Glow”, es un libro de recetas basadas en plantas que eliminan los alérgenos, la soja, el gluten, los lácteos, y explora ingredientes densos en nutrientes para obtener recetas que verdaderamente alimentan tu belleza. Su segunda parte llamada “Fresh and Pure”, usa los mismos ingredientes que encuentras en tu alacena, pero para aplicarlos a tu cuerpo, cara y cabello. Y, finalmente, “Vegan cheese”, que es un libro de cocina de quesos veganos, porque aunque los lácteos sean difíciles de digerir, no deberíamos perder el delicioso sabor del queso.

El tema general detrás de todos estos libros es que la salud, el bienestar y la belleza, están a “una cucharada” de distancia, y es mucho más fácil y accesible de lo que piensas.


¿Es posible integrar una visión holística y “verde” a la cocina diaria? ¿Qué le dirías a alguien que está buscando inspiración para comidas y bebidas que sean saludables?


¡Absolutamente! Los principios son simples, y una vez que estás listo para hacer el cambio son bastante accesibles para todos. La inspiración está en todos lados, pero ciertamente en mis libros hay una buena introducción. Cuando comiences a comer preparando las recetas y bebidas de mis libros, llegará un punto donde podrás hacer tus propias creaciones sin necesidad de seguir instrucciones.


¿Cómo defines un cocktail saludable?


Es una bebida hecha con ingredientes naturales, con infusiones de frutas nutritivas, vegetales, hierbas o superfoods. No contienen azúcar procesada, y yo utilizo licores orgánicos o en pequeñas cantidades.


¿Nos puedes recomendar tres recetas?


English version


What is your philosophy when it comes to creating a recipe?


I cook and recipe develop with holistic wellness in mind. I want the recipient of the food to feel good during the meal but also long after. By choosing nutritious, plant based foods, I can be certain that my guest will leave the dinner table with lifted spirits and energy levels.


You are a best selling autor…by 4x! Can you tell us about your books? What inspired them and what lessons can we take from them?


I have a range of wellness cookbooks. My first, Zen and Tonic, shows you how to infuse your drinks with as much goodness as possible, using fruits, superfoods and botanicals and only using natural sweeteners for cleaner cocktails. The Pretty Zen collection, is a set of two books celebrating natural beauty from the inside and out. The first, Nourish and Glow is a plant based cookbook that eliminates all allergens, soy, gluten, dairy and explores nutrient dense ingredients for truly nourishing recipes that feed your beauty. Fresh and Pure, uses the same nutritious pantry staples to use directly on your body, face and hair. And finally Vegan Cheese, is my plant based cheese cookbook. Because, although dairy is extremely difficult to digest, we shouldn’t have to go without the delicious taste of cheese.

The underlying theme and message behind all four books is health, wellness and beauty is but a spoonful away and it’s much easier and more attainable than you might believe.


Is it possible to integrate an holistic and green approach to our everyday cooking? What would you say to someone who’s looking for inspiration for green and healthy foods and drinks?


Absolutely! The principles are quite simple and once you are ready to make the change, they are absolutely available to us all. The inspiration is everywhere, but certainly my books are a wonderful introduction. By the time you eat and drink through the recipes in my books, you’ll be able to make your own choices without the need of a cookbook.


How would you define a «healthy» cocktail?


It is a drink made with natural ingredients, infused with nutritious fruits, veggies, herbs and/or superfoods, does not contain any processed sugars and preferably using organic or small batch, quality spirits.


Can you share with us 3 easy recipes?



Papaya Fresca

Spanish for “fresh water,” agua fresca is a light, refreshing beverage made with fruit, sugar and water. However, the lovely papaya, once described by Christopher Columbus as the «fruit of the angels», needs no heavy sweeteners. We combine it here with a good squeeze of fresh lime juice, coconut water and aloe water for an invigoratingly alkalizing refresher.

1.5 cup tequila

   1 large ripe papaya

4 limes, juiced

1 cup aloe water

2 cup coconut water

Goji berries for garnish (optional)

Peel the papaya and slice in half lengthwise. Scoop out the seeds and fibrous part with a small spoon.

Give the fruit a rough chop and puree in a food processor or blender. You should have about a cup of puree.

Strain the puree through a mesh strainer, stirring to push the liquid through. Add the coconut water to help it get through. Add the remaining coconut water, aloe water and the juice of one lime. Cover and refrigerate until cold.

To serve, pour the cold papaya water over ice, add tequila and garnish with a slice of lime and a few goji berries.

Use the formula of 1 part puree to 3 parts water or spirit.

Super Food Spotlight:

Enjoy this agua fresca knowing it is a rich source of antioxidant nutrients such as carotenes, vitamin C and flavonoids; the B vitamins, folate and pantothenic acid; and the minerals, potassium, copper, and magnesium; and fiber.


Summer Thyme

This quintessential summer cocktail, bursting with fresh, juicy strawberries, gets a touch of sophistication with the penetrating herbal fragrance of fresh thyme. It pairs amazingly well with gin’s botanical notes, however, if you are not a gin lover, you can easily substitute the gin for vodka or experiment further, by mixing the cocktail with a bolder tequila.

4 ounces Gin

1 cup Strawberries, muddled

1 ounces lemon juice

2-4 thyme sprigs

Put 1 cup of strawberries, 2 thyme sprigs and 2 wedges of lemon in a shaker, and muddle well or if you prefer, you can juice them as well. Add the gin, fill with ice and shake well. Then, double strain into a chilled martini glass and garnish with a thyme sprig.

Super Food Spotlight:

With antibacterial properties and high amounts of vitamins, thyme has a long history of use in natural medicine in connection with chest and respiratory problems. Paired with the nutrient and antioxidant rich, summery strawberry, your search for the perfect drink ends here.


Cocoa Blast
This rich, dreamy, dessert-like drink is energizing and uplifting. Made with raw cacao, it promotes detoxification and aids in the absorption of calcium.

3 ounces bourbon

4 medjool dates

¼ cup dried, unsweetened cherries

2 tablespoons cacao powder

1 cup coconut milk

Blend together all the ingredients, until creamy and smooth. Add ice and blend until frosty. Add bourbon. Set in popsicle molds and freeze for a minimum of 4 hours.

All the recipes are from Zen and Tonic, Savory and Fresh Cocktails for the Enlightened Drinker by Jules Aron

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